Parish Council Minutes January 2008

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th January 2008 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Nitsch and Howey. Also present were District Councillor Latham, 10 members of the public and one member of the Press. Also in attendance was Richard Powell, Chief Executive of Tynedale Council.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Heslop and Cllr Thompson.

2. Co-option: Following last month’s provisional agreement, Councillors agreed to the co-option of Jill Mills, Richard Williams, and Malcolm Reid. The necessary paperwork was filled in and the new councillors were welcomed. Apologies were noted from Prospective Cllr Tulip.

3. Belonging Communities: Mr Powell had agreed to attend the meeting following a phone call with Cllr Horton. Tynedale are keen to have as broad a discussion with parishes on the shape of future government as possible. He summarised the potential shape of new government in the County with the three large characteristics communities and then the 26 Belonging communities which are groupings of parishes into what should be natural groupings. There are still some parishes which are unsure of where they should belong. Broomhaugh & Riding had responded formally in November that it was felt there was not enough information to make a balanced judgement. The idea is also to invigorate local democracy but the way things are to be set up is, as yet, totally unclear.

One of BRPC’s main concerns was on schools but Mr Powell felt that schooling would be outside of the remit of the Belonging communities. Mr Young queried from the floor as to the legal and administrative status of the new communities. The situation in Corbridge is unclear and this is being followed up directly by Cllr Dunhill. Cllr Howey asked about the likely increase in workload on Councillors and also asked if we could move community group if it was felt that matters were unsatisfactory. Mr Powell felt that was possible. There was some discussion on the critical mass necessary for reaching decisions and whilst it was felt that Hexham Town council could control decisions, if all the parishes worked together, a balance could be achieved.

Mr Powell also mentioned that the Boundary Commission might make changes in the future as well. There is a follow-up public meeting on 29th January which a Councillor will attend. There was another query about the legal department in Tynedale which is used a great deal at present. Cllr Horton thanked Mr Powell for attending and trying to clarify some doubts. The Councillors agreed unanimously to stay with the Hexham group for now.

4. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record with two small errors corrected on the master copy. The changes were made to the e-copy for printing and the website.

5. Matters arising:
a) Millfield Road: Because of the holiday period, not too much had been achieved since the December meeting. Cllrs Nitsch, Dunhill and Reid would be dealing with Dick Fraser of NCC re turning circles etc. The history of the bridge was being reinvestigated and a meeting regarding funding from Tynedale had been set up with Mr Tully, Mr Young, Cllr Thompson and Cllr Horton. Cllr Heslop might be late but would also try to attend. In response to a comment from Mr Bryson, the Chairman said he would personally recommend that the PC would obtain majority approval of the parish before selling the old tennis courts site. In the meantime they would be marketed to assess their value.
b) Recorder: the possibility of recording meetings had been looked at. It was legally acceptable providing the meetings were informed. It was agreed to keep tapes for a three month period only. Cllr Horton would cost the system.
c) Minor Matters update: The wall at Dene Terrace was now done. There had been no movement on the Wellington trees and the Clerk would copy the letters already sent to the Spirit Group to Cllr Nitsch. The damaged bench had been reported to Milecastle and a quote is being obtained for a new bus shelter.

6. Planning: The application to modify footpath 16 was refused because of insufficient evidence by Northumberland county Council. The Clerk would email the footpath officer on the matter.
2007/1231 White Court, Church Lane Conditional permission

7. Correspondence:
a) General – for circulation: It was agreed that Councillors would endeavour to transmit the papers as quickly as possible.
b) Tynedale Planning Forum: Cllr Mills agreed to sit on this. The clerk would forward documents when they appeared.
c) Fire & Risk Management: Cllr Dunhill will re-circulate the document in case there is anything to comment on.
d) A complaint had been received about dog mess on one of the rural footpaths and a request had been made for another waste bin. A sign asking people to take care would be useful but it was felt the expense of bins and collection was not justified on a rural footpath.

8. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors.
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

MF Anderton/Salary/Dec – £370.69
MF Anderton/Expenses/Dec – £52.08
VHT – rent – £55.00
Tynedale Council /grass cutting – £1,071.05

9. Minor matters: A blocked drain had been reported. The Crossing census had not yet taken place and would be chased again. (Copy of letter to Cllr Nitsch). Cllrs Reid and Williams agreed to be the representatives to the VHT Management Committee. A clean up in the Playpark was needed again. Councillors to set up.

The meeting closed at 9.45.

Parish Council Minutes December 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on10th December 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Nitsch, Howey and Heslop Also present were County Councillor Thompson, District Councillor Latham, 25 members of the public and one member of the Press.

1. There were no apologies.

2. Co-option: Mrs Stephenson had withdrawn her interest in becoming a councillor until such time as the Millfield Road problem was solved. However, four more people expressed an interest and Cllr Horton asked them each to give a thumbnail sketch. The four are Malcolm Reid, Fred Tulip, Jill Mills and Richard Williams. Councillors agreed to consider the co-options and the necessary paperwork will be forwarded prior to the next council meeting. Cllr Horton expressed concern that new councillors would be willing to take on their fair share of the workload and were not coming on to pursue their own agendas. The four prospective councillors agreed that this was not their intent. Cllr Horton then stated that it would be very good to have a full strength council after nearly two years, and thanked the present councillors for all their hard work during that time.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record. However, Cllr Heslop wished it to be noted that he had mentioned that a call had been made for a referendum at the October Council meeting.

4. Matters arising:
a) Millfield Road: Cllr Horton summarised the status to date. Having circulated 828 consultation sheets, there were 486 returns (~58%); 199 were in favour of the proposals (24%); 278 were against the proposals (~33%); and there were 9 spoiled/nonvoting papers.

The consensus of this is that about 33% did not want the council to accept the interest-free loan to upgrade the road and bridge for adoption. There were also alternatives to consider that had been suggested at the last meeting. Mr Rosby’s bridge narrowing scheme, which is being taken forward by Cllrs Dunhill and Nitsch. The PC’s insurers are considering the effects of this, and the County Council have indicated that they would probably adopt the road either side of the bridge if it was brought up to standard, but were insisting on turning circles. These could be expensive, although Marchburn Lane entrance could possibly be used for the southern side, and a proposed car park area to be built at the Parish Hall is a possibility for the northern side. There had also been a petition in the village in support of narrowing the bridge, which had received 363 signatures (44%). Mr Ray Tully had also suggested asking Tynedale council for a direct grant to do the work. It was agreed that Mr Tully would head a delegation, including representatives from the Parish Council and Cllrs Thompson and Latham, to approach Mr Atkinson (MP), and then to approach Tynedale council with the supporting evidence.

Cllr Horton proposed to his fellow councillors that all the above options be followed through, including narrowing the bridge on a temporary basis, upgrading Millfield Road to adoption standards without increasing the precept; marketing the tennis club site and trying to obtain a grant from Tynedale. Mr Reid commented that he believed no one would object on the upgrading of Millfield Road if this did not involve an increase in Council tax. Mr Young pointed out his report had commented on the ground conditions of the tennis club site. Cllr Horton then mentioned that he had done some research into the history of Millfield bridge, and had evidence that it was in existence in 1911, and if it could be proven that it had carried vehicular (horse and carts) traffic prior to 1910, then the County Council would have to adopt the road and bridge at their expense under the 1930 Road Traffic Act. He knew that a lot of research has been carried out on this by previous Councils, but felt it was worth pursuing further. Dr Young also commented on the potential dangers if traffic increased past the school because Millfield Road was closed off to commercial vehicles. Councillors agreed to all the proposals on the table.

b) Ward Hadaway: Cllr Horton mentioned that following discussions, Ward Hadaway agreed to reduce their bill.

5. Planning:
07/00159/TPO Hollin Hill Terrace Granted
07/00169/TPO 4 Oaklands Granted
Farnely Haugh Quarry – amendments, no response considered necessary
Kiln Pit Hill wind turbine application: It was decided not to comment further on this matter as it is not in our Parish and the present Councillors felt unqualified to discuss the pro’s and con’s of alternative energy sources. Mr Reid said that he would be pleased to advise the Council on this in due course.

6. Correspondence:
a) General – for circulation
b) Hexham Courant: a request was received for 200 words to go into next year’s Tynedale Visitor. Mrs Stephenson kindly agreed to do this.
c) Hexham Town council: A letter had been received concerning a meeting to discuss Belonging Communities issues. Cllr Dunhill agreed to try and get to this.

7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors.
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Nov – £370.69
M F Anderton/Nov/Back pay – £55.37
M F Anderton/Expenses/Nov – £67.04
Tynedale council/election costs – £271.50
Tynedale council/dog waste bin – £293.97
Northumbrian Water – £8.05
Carter Bus. Systems/photocopier – £17.24
SLCC/Annual subs 2008 – £80.00

c) Budget: The Clerk presented the probable budget for 2008/2009. It was essentially the same as the previous year. Although the Youth Club was not currently in action, the amount was left in the budget as the Squirrels pre-school was having problems. There were some inflationary costs such as for insurance and the estimated precept was – £20904. Because of slight under spending in the current year it was agreed to ask for – £18000 as the precept for 2008/2009.

8. Minor matters:
Cllr Horton pointed out that minutes were drafted by the Parish clerk, reviewed by him and then sent to other councillors so that any errors should be picked up well before the next meeting. He was aware however that without shorthand skills, it was difficult to ensure complete accuracy and suggested investing in a tape recorder for future meetings. This was agreed, and the Clerk would check the legal implications.

Cllr Howey pointed out the growth on the wall in Dene Terrace was in urgent need of treatment. The wrecked bench would be reported to Milecastle Housing. Cllr Howey also noted that there had been no-one interested in taking on the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Councillors would talk to the manager of the Wellington about the trees again and Cllr Heslop asked if another bus shelter could be built at Broomhaugh, this time on the North Side of the road. The Clerk would look into the costs.

The meeting closed at 9.10.

Parish Council Minutes November 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on19th November 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Howey and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson, District Councillor Latham, 18 members of the public and one member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record. However, Cllr Heslop wished it to be noted that he had mentioned that a call had been made for a referendum some 18 months ago.

3. Matters arising:
a) Millfield Road: Following general discussion by members of the public in the pre- council meeting, it was continued in this item with members of the public being allowed, where relevant, to offer opinions or questions. Mr Rosby from Sandy Bank suggested an option that could be considered by the council. He pointed out that the problem with the issue was mostly one of liability. He has independently talked with Mr Fraser of the County’s Highways department about reducing the bridge to a lesser weight limit (3 tonne) so that only small private vehicles could use it. There are a number of issues attached to this option – will the county adopt the bridge and road under these circumstances, will this be a long standing problem for service vehicles and so on. The Council agreed to look further into the matter. There was some disquiet as some members of the public had not clearly understood the document circulated for consultation and the linkage between the sale of the amenity land and the upgrading of Millfield Road. It was emphasised that the sale of the land could pay off the loan for the road work and cover the costs of relocating the tennis club and that if the road was closed, turning areas would be needed either side of the bridge. Cllr Heslop pointed out that the continuous circle of the road was desirable from the point of view of emergency services. The consultation would continue to the end of the month and the results would be reviewed and shared with the public. It was also pointed out that only 16 members of the public had written with queries and comments on the proposals to date. If the outcome was not in favour of the proposals, further solutions would be sought. In the meantime, the council will follow up the details of alternative options discussed.
b) Planters: Mrs Goddard, President of Riding Mill WI, presented a petition on behalf of the WI concerning the planters, and in particular, the grass cutting associated with the areas around the planters. The parish council had agreed at earlier meetings to keep the grass down where possible and when asked. This would reduce costs. Grass cutting is generally the responsibility of Tynedale council and they had been asked to put the two areas onto their list of paid grass cutting. A copy of the petition would be forwarded to them as well. The council agreed to continue cutting in the interim, although it would help if members of the WI could remind councillors when this was needed.

4. Belonging Communities: Cllr Dunhill brought members up to date with the thinking behind the Belonging Communities. It is tied up with the unitary status that is being developed for the region and refers to groups of parish councils which can work together to facilitate problems. Each parish council will still have a direct relationship with the new Unitary authority and the Area committee at the next level down. However it is anticipated that parish councils will have greater freedoms. Broomhaugh & Riding already has a good working relationship with the East Tynedale forum Group which includes Stocksfield and parishes to Newcastle. According to the map of Belonging Communities put out by the Northumberland Strategic Partnership, our parish is in the Hexham grouping and this is the area to which our school feeds. There was a lot of discussion about the merits of each area and a decision is supposed to be given by the end of the month. It was agreed that a letter would be sent with a series of questions as it was felt that there was not enough information to make sensible decisions and the parish reserved the right to change its mind. Does the rural area have enough say?, what funds will be available? Any questions to be sent to the Clerk in time to respond by the deadline. Questions would also be copied to Cllr Latham who would ensure they would get asked at a public meeting in Hexham next week and to Cllr Thomson who would also forward to the right persons at the county level.

5. Planning:
2007/0776 Riding Hills Farm Conditional permission
2007/0966 Ash Lee, Church Lane Conditional permission
2007/0874 Eastfield, Millfield Road Withdrawn
2007/1058 Low Shilford House Conditional permission
Red Hemmels: Planning appeal Upheld

6. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Website: A member of the public had emailed asking if they could add to the walks information with stories. They had been told there was no discussion forum because of the security issues. It was suggested that if people wish to make additions, they should send them through to the Clerk and the councillors would see if they are suitable to be added to the site.
c) The representatives from the Parish council to the VHT Management committee were confirmed as Cllrs Heslop and Nitsch.
d) The county have agreed to place new weight limit signs for Millfield Road at the ends of the road. Thanks were noted to Cllr Thompson for his help on this.
e) A letter from Corbridge Parish Council had been received informing adjoining parishes that they have set up a working Group to oversee access and public rights of way in their parish. Occasionally this would require consultation with neighbouring parishes and the letter was to inform.
f) Funding to light up a building in the parish was available. This is for one night only and it was agreed the parish would not participate.

7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors.
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Oct – £362.23
M F Anderton/Expenses/Oct – £227.17
CWC/knotweed – £323.13
M Stewart/benches – £250.00
Viking/statny – £58.12
Savages Solctrs. – £176.25
J Robinson/printers – £129.00
Poppy Appeal – £40.00

It was agreed to defer payment to Wardhadaway pending queries on the account.
c) Copies of the current budget were circulated to councillors for consideration prior to next month’s discussion on it. It was suggested by the Clerk that little change would be needed although it was noted the Youth Club was not currently functioning.

8. Minor matters:
It was noted the trees behind the Wellington had still not been cut back and a further letter would be written. Cllr Heslop reminded of the need for a Skip for the Christmas trees.

The meeting closed at 9.45.

Parish Council Minutes October 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th October 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Howey, Nitsch and Heslop Also present were County Councillor Thompson, District Councillor Latham, 6 members of the public and one member of the Press.

1. No apologies were received.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
Brambles: Cllrs: Howey, Dunhill and Horton walked around the village in particular up Sandy Bank. Although they felt there was not a significant problem, some serious trimming was deemed necessary and it was agreed to write to the home owner most concerned. We will also request the County Council to keep a better overview on trees/branches etc. in some dangerous areas.

4. Millfield Road update: Cllr Horton explained the options for financing the work to be done. If the land where the tennis club is based is sold, the money raised would cover the road/bridge works and the move of the tennis club. The solicitors were looking into this but it was decided to talk directly with the Charity Commission to clarify what could be done under the Open Spaces Act which is germane to the land. It is in order for the land to be sold as long as it is done with due respect to public consultation, notice over 30 days and fair and impartial advertising of the land. The loan from Tynedale Council is probably going to be agreed but they have not officially informed the Parish Council as yet. There would be a delay of 12-18 months before the loan repayments would begin, which would allow for other options to be implemented. These options, the costs to the public where relevant, etc. will be sent to all members of the Parish in the form of a fact sheet, with a return slip allowing individual preferences to be accounted for. There are also possible changes to consider to the local councils which could derail any actions if there is a long delay. A draft document will be developed by the councillors for circulation before the end of the month. The question of security to prevent fraud will also be addressed. The clerk will consult with Tynedale’s electoral office regarding this. It is also possible the land would accrue greater value with outline planning permission and it was agreed to get three quotes for Estate Agents and three for planners to look at the issue. The cost of obtaining such permission would be small relative to the final gains.

5. Trees: When the councillors walked round they looked at some of the other areas of amenity land. Some trees in the Playpark needed cutting down and large branches were also causing a problem near the weir. Quotes were obtained and the work done. (Mrs Soulsby interjected about the witch elms that would also go bad, and this would be looked into.) The Marchburn Woods need major management and quotes for that work would also be sought. The suggestion of including a picnic area in the big wood was also discussed. The trees in Dene Terrace and those belonging to the Spirit Group (the Wellington) were likely to cause damage. Further letters would be written and councillors would also talk with the landlord. Milecastle would be contacted concerning the cherry trees.

6. Weir stones: Amongst all the tree quotes, one was received for recovering and re-fixing the big stones in the Weir. At – £240, this was considered good value for money and would be accepted.

7. Planning:
2007/0857 6 Meadow Park Conditional permission
2007/0534 Land at sewage plant Conditional permission

8. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation

9. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors. (This was based on Current account changes only because of the postal strike)
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Sep – £362.23
M F Anderton/Expenses/Sep – £52.33
CWC/knotweed – £323.13
Whiteacre tree surgs. – £275.00
Viking/statny – £43.36
Quote for Weir stones – £240.00

10. Minor matters:
Cllr Howey has looked at Neighbourhood watch stuff and will act as coordinator for Dene Terrace area. A request for other interested parties to contact Alison will go in Parish News and on the website. (When delivering the consultation document, it would be useful to use the opportunity to include items such as Neighbourhood watch leaflets). The delivery of the leaflets will be undertaken by the Councillors, to ensure that all residents receive the document. Mowing around the planters was discussed, and whose responsibility it was, and Councillor Horton volunteered to strim around them for the time being. It was also noted that the plants in the East planter did not get much sunlight, and the W.I. would be approached to replant with shade loving plants. The Parking letter in Broomhaugh had been circulated but it is felt necessary to also contact the Methodist Church and the Drama club as they caused much of the parking problem. During the course of the meeting a formal warning was given to Mr B Young regarding his disruptive behaviour. The next Parish Council meeting would be moved from 12th November to 19th November.

The meeting closed at 8.55.

Parish Council Minutes September 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th September 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Dunhill, Howey and Heslop Also present were County Councillor Thompson, District Councillor Latham and 8 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch

2. Resignation of Cllr. Cairns: Owing to personal reasons, Cllr Cairns tendered his resignation. He intimated that he would possibly be available in the future to rejoin should there be space.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters arising: It was noted that the walks and rides in the village for the web-site were now up. Photos are to be added and some historical material.

5. Site Allocations: Three sites had been suggested for Broomhaugh & Riding. There have been a number of very detailed objections to all the sites and Cllr Horton suggested that the Parish Council also formally write supporting the objections. This was agreed.

6. Brambles: Cllr Heslop raised the issue of the brambles up Sandy Bank which were posing a safety hazard. Although they are largely the responsibility of several homeowners, it was felt that Councillors should agree to a contractor who could do the work and have the cost apportioned. Councillors agreed, in the first instance, to have a walk round and assess the scale of the problem.

7. Squirrel’s Club: The Parish Council have received a request from the Squirrel’s Club for financial assistance. Cllr Horton reviewed the roles of the Club which acts as a breakfast and post – school club for children in the village. It is very recent, established early in 2006. The carers are qualified and the charges to parents have recently been raised to be in line with other similar clubs. The increased charges will take the club finances into equilibrium. The request for funding is to help them to reach that level, which they expect to get to by Christmas this year. It was pointed out the existence of the club helps to draw children into the first school which is all good for the community. The costs are largely for staff salaries. After discussion, the Council agreed to make an interest – free loan of – £1000, out of the deposit account, which could be repaid from the start of 2008 at a rate agreed from that time.

8. Planning:
2007/0587 Oaklands Lodge Conditional permission
2007/0682 Construction on land next to Holmfield Conditional permission
2007/0769 Detached store at Hill House, Riding Hills Refused
2007/0772 Extension at Hill House, Riding Hills Conditional permission

9. Correspondence:
i. General, for circulation
ii. NCC/Transport reps.: it was agreed to continue to write to the Clerk as any issues would need to come before the parish council
iii. NCC/Parking: Following further discussion about parking outside the village shop, a letter had been received from the County Council which indicated that it was permissible to set down, deliver and pick up. (This contradicts the Police response). It was agreed to put a copy of the letter in the parish notice board.

10. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salaryl/Jul – £362.23
M F Anderton/Expenses/Jul – £91.98
NCC/ to fix bench – £575.75
MFA/Sal/Aug – £362.23
MFA/exp/Aug – £45.51
VHT/rent – £22.00
Carter Bus.Sys./photocop. – £17.17
Northumbria Water – £10.62
Squirrels Club – £1,000.00
M F Anderton/extra month towards extra hours – £362.23

11. Minor matters:
Cllr Howey had information on a funding challenge which might be useful to the VHT, or the Tennis Club or the Cricket Club and it was agreed to circulate to them. Cllr Heslop suggested there should be an extra light on the Station footpath and the Clerk would also remind Tynedale about the sweeping schedule for the path. He also raised the issue of parking in Broomhaugh. It was agreed to write to each household reminding them of the tacit agreement relating to parking in the road. A note could also go in the Parish News. The Council agreed to renominate the Clerk to sit on the NALC committee.

The meeting closed at 8.45

Parish Council Minutes July 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th July 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Nitsch, Dunhill, Cairns and Heslop Also present were County Councillor Thompson and 5 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Latham, Cllr Horton and Cllr Howey.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a) Pedestrian Crossing: A traffic survey would be carried out in the Autumn when the schools were back. Letters of support had gone from the Parish Council and from Councillor Latham. Cllr Thomson indicated that if it goes ahead, some additional funding might be available from him.
b) Lay-By: The County had looked at costs associated with providing a lay-by in front of the village shop. This was likely to be a minimum of – £40,000 and there was an inherent sighting danger so the prospect is unlikely. Concern was expressed, however, that a delivery driver to the shop had only recently been fined for unloading in front of the shop. This is the only shop in the village and there is no other suitable unloading area such as the rear of the premises. The Parish Council would write again to the County Council asking them to reconsider the removal of the double yellow line in front of the shop.
c) Cllrs Dunhill and Horton had cleaned the moss away from the Playpark surface as far as possible but it was presenting as an ongoing problem. The trees would be cut back to allow more sunlight and the Tennis Club would be approached about the high pressure system they have used on their courts. Cllr Dunhill was now doing the inspections. A short piece would be sent to the Parish News regarding the mud fights etc.which were damaging the equipment.

4. Planning: 2007/0460 9 Church Close Conditional permission
It was also noted that the house formerly known as ‘The Croft’ , Sandy Bank is now ‘The Poppies’.

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) It was noted that there were three sites in Broomhaugh & Riding Mill that had been put forward for consideration to be built on in Tynedale’s Local Development Framework. Consultation is open until 14th September.
c) Squirrel’s Club: A letter had been received requesting some assistance. The Chairman is to meet with representatives from there and bring the matter to the next Parish Council meeting.
d) A letter had been received from Mrs Niven on behalf of the late Andrew Pusey’s widow asking if the Parish Council would allow a memorial seat in the Playpark. This was agreed by the Council. The Clerk would inform Mrs Pusey of the likey costs involved.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salaryl/June – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/June – £158.19
CWC/knotweed – £323.13
CWC/Ivy – £176.25
Transfer to D/Ac (VAT rebate) – £320.56
C Fenwick (emergency fence repair) – £1,045.75

7. Minor matters:
Cllr Dunhill reported on the walks and bike rides that would be going up on the website. Cllr Cairns reported on the brambles etc. at the bottom of Sandy Bank. Cllr Heslop asked that Mrs Niven be written to and complimented on the appearance of the Parish Hall. He also suggested that an apology might be forthcoming at the next APM regarding what was perceived by some as inappropriate behaviour at the last APM. Cllr Dunhill also mentioned that the falling trees in the Churchyard had been referred to the PCC and were being dealt with.

The meeting closed at 8.30

Parish Council Minutes June 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th June 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Nitsch, Dunhill and Howey. Also present were County Councillor Thompson, 8 members of the public and a member of the press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Latham, Cllr Heslop, and Cllr Cairns.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Play Park: There was some discussion about the problem of removing the moss and grass from the specialised Playpark surface. It is just out of its warranty and the suppliers recommend a warm water, high pressure hosing. It was agreed that the councillors would get together and do the job themselves. The village hall trust would be informed as the water used could have a cost implication for them which the Parish Council can reimburse.

4. Mobile Speed signs: A proposal had been received from Slaley Parish Council to share the costs, with some other Parish Councils of mobile speed warning signs. Cllr Dunhill mentioned the Italian system where a traffic light turns red and stops drivers if they exceeded the limit. It was felt this was unlikely to happen in England. There was concern that the proposed scheme would only be a part time solution and it was agreed that, for now, the Parish Council would continue with pressing for a Zebra Crossing. It would be raised with Dick Fraser of the County Council again and costs would be obtained from Mr Bawn for comparison.

5. Quarry stones: There were now two quotes available for purchasing large stones to prevent parking on the Japanese Knotweed site in Millfield Road. One seems high so it was agreed to check the other quote which had been obtained a while back to see which was best. A decision would then be made. A request for reflective paint on the steps to the tennis courts was made and Cllr Nitsch offered a can of such paint he had to try out. The cost of a small light to place at low level on the fence by the steps past the Play park would also be investigated.

6. Planning:
2007/0424 Burn Brae, Long Rigg Conditional permission
2007/0380 Demolition of haulage garage etc. east of Ford Terrace: conditional permission granted.

7. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Code of Conduct: The new Code of conduct was formally adopted by the Parish Council. This would enable the Parish’s name to be added to the formal legal notification that was required in the Press which Tynedale Council would do for all parishes.
c) Safety mirrors: Cllr Heslop had raised the possibility of having these at both exits from Wentworth Grange onto the A695. Following an approach to the County, they cannot place these within the highway boundary. However, if permission can be obtained from the relevant landowners to site them, the County would quote for supply and fixing. It was agreed to ask Cllr Heslop to follow this up.
d) The WI had asked if they should arrange for grass to be cut around the planters at the East end of the village for a small charge. The Councillors felt they could do both planter areas for now.
e) Tynedale Council: Tynedale Council are to hold a Parish Council Forum at which a number of their division heads would be available to make presentations and answer questions. The date clashed with the next Parish Council meeting but it was agreed that Cllr Howey should attend on behalf of the parish council.

8. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/May – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/May – £102.76
Viking/stationary – £48.97
Carter – £17.37
V.Thompson/Wendy Robe – £48.46
Northumbria water – £12.92

c) Accounts: These were agreed for the end of the year to 31st March 2007.
d) Governance statement: The governance statement was agreed Points 1-8 as Yes. Point 9 is not applicable. A copy of the statement is appended to the minutes.
f) Risk analysis: This was approved for the current year by the council.

9. Minor matters:
Cllr Howey will continue with the Playpark inspections. New data sheets would be provided. Cllr Howey will also go through the neighbourhood watch material during the summer recess. Some of the trees at the Wellington need attention and the owners would be written to about it.

The meeting closed at 8.50

Parish Council Minutes May 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting and AGM held on 14th May 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson; and 7 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Latham, Cllr Howey, Cllr Thompson for the main part of the meeting and from Peter Nitsch.

2. Cooption/Standing Orders: Peter Nitsch had agreed to be coopted back onto the Council and this was agreed by members. The use of Standing Orders was formally re-adopted, including a new policy on Complaints which had been circulated to members earlier.

3. Election of Officers:
a) Chairman: Bob Horton was proposed by Cllr Dunhill and seconded by Cllr Cairns. All members agreed and Cllr Horton formally took the Chair.
b) Planning: the subcommittee was agreed to be Cllrs Horton, Dunhill and Howey.
c) Playpark: Cllr Howey had agreed to continue with this pro tem and it was agreed to ask Cllr Nitsch if he would alternate with her when necessary.
d) VHT: Cllrs Cairns and Heslop agreed to sit on the VHT Management Committee.

4. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

5. Millfield Road: Cllr Horton summarised the position to date and reviewed some of the public discussion which had been held prior to the formal Council meeting. The main questions revolved around the methods of payment for the work that is required to be done. A Fact sheet regarding the possible sale of the tennis club site to help fund the tennis club move and repay the road/bridge loan will be circulated to all residents. It is in the public interest to have Millfield Road adopted by the County Council as it has long been both a divisive issue in the village, and is now, a well used through route providing multiple access to a variety of village facilities. The contract has been awarded provisionally to Seymours, subject to funding being available. In the short term, the best option is to have a ten-year interest free loan from the District Council and a meeting will be held next month to discuss the issues involved there. In the meantime, based on the figures provided by Tynedale Council for the precept payment, the estimated increase in Council Tax for Band D properties would be ~2.56% per annum. Cllr Heslop proposed accepting the loan, in principle, on the basis of the estimated figures and in the interests of the community. The members agreed unanimously with this. It was noted that Seymours would be drilling a bore hole to test the ground prior to doing any design work.

Cllr Cairns asked what other options there might be and also what would happen if the funding was not to be provided. Cllr Horton explained there was a possibility of selling a small plot of land which would raise income that could go towards the road upgrade and towards the redevelopment of the Tennis Club and other sports facilities. This option, however, was much more problematical and could not be relied on in the short term there being only a six month period for acceptance of the tender proper. It would also be very important to consult further with the Parish on this matter as amenity land is concerned. If the road adoption does not go ahead, the most likely outcome is that the road would be closed to traffic because of prohibitive costs to the Parish in insurance and upkeep.

6. Planning: 2007/0248 Listed consent, West House 1 Hollin Hill terrace: Consent under delegated powers
Roselea Cottage: Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate was dismissed.

7. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation

8. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Apr – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Apr – £39.42
WardHadaway legal exp 06/07 – £2,205.72
NALC subs. – £146.82
Contr. To Insurance for the Nick (Previously agreed) – £200.00

9. Minor matters:
A number of items were raised to be followed up:

The large stones on the weir – a quote would be obtained;
Grass round the planters at the entrances to the village: Cllrs Horton and Dunhill said they would deal with this;
There is still a problem with grass cutting on the cricket pitch but it is in hand;
Speed through the village was discussed. Slaley are looking into the cost of mobile speed monitors which could be moved around a number of local villages;
Cllrs are asked to think of ideas for alternate Parking outside the village shop;
It was agreed to put a bit in the Parish news about dog fouling in the Sandy Bank area;
Knotweed is a problem near the Stepping Stones. Although the Enviroment Agency know about this, it was suggested a quote be asked for from our knotweed contractor;
The County Council would be asked to place mirrors opposite the two exits to Wentworth Grange, at our expense;
The Clerk would write to Milecastle Housing again about the illegal parking in the turning circle in Dene Close;
The Chairman noted formal thanks to Elaine Ryder for her hard work over the last four years and a bunch of flowers would be sent from the Parish Council.

The meeting closed at 8.45

Parish Council Minutes April 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th April 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Howey, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson; 6 members of the public and a member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch, and Cllr Latham.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Fly Tipping: A sign was being put up at the top of Whiteside Bank and the Clerk had written to the County requesting they look into the siting of a gate there as well as one at the A68 side of the problem area.
b. Wellington: A hearing was being held by Tynedale into the objections on 23rd April in the afternoon. None of the councillors would be available for this. It is thought that other concerned residents would be attending, however.

4. Tender: Cllr. Horton updated members and the public on the fact that two tenders had been received and that one looked much better than the other. No formal acceptance had been made yet as the means of funding the matter need to be looked into. The Parish Council also has to have approval from NALC to seek a loan. This was given unanimous approval and the forms would be forwarded. If funding from other sources becomes available, then there is scope to pull out of loan arrangements. The bridge would be to the 40 tonne specification and the road would be upgraded slightly. If the work can be completed this year the adoption should proceed next year. Cllr Ryder thanked Cllr Horton for progressing matters to this stage.

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Allotment Association: In the course of updating the Parish’s risk assessment, liability insurance held by other groups in the village was being checked. The Allotment Association hold such insurance. Since the Parish council had agreed to underwrite that for the Nick for Sandy Bank residents, it was felt prudent to also reimburse the Allotment Association. The sum involved was – £52.25. This was agreed unanimously by all councillors.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Mar – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Mar – £272.20
Hexham Courant/APM notice – £35.54
Insurance 07/08 – £1,792.91
SLCC/PC handbook – £48.00
Clerks & Cncls direct/subs – £9.50
VHT – grant – £2,000.00
Youth club – grant – £1,200.00
Transfer to Playpark – £500.00
Transfer re bus shelter – £500.00
Transfer re roof, Parish Hall – £700.00
Micrograve/ plaques for planters – £46.88
VHT/rent – £44.00
Viking – £41.05

7. Minor matters:
Cllr Ryder asked if someone could take over from her on the Planning sub-committee and Cllr Dunhill agreed to this. Someone was also needed to submit the minutes report to the Parish news. Cllr Horton agreed to do this with Cllr Howey acting as back up. The problem of safety was again raised following a further attempted break-in in Dene Terrace. Although Crime prevention is being covered at the APM, it was agreed to write to Milecastle asking if there was anything they could do. A second litter pick up was agreed to, to be held some time towards the end of October. The state of the land behind the station (Styford estate) was mentioned: – the Clerk would write expressing concern. The possibility of siting more bins in the village, at the station and another dog waste bin near the Stepping stones would be considered.

The meeting closed at 8.30.

Parish Council Minutes March 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Howey, Cairns, Dunhill and Heslop. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part); 8 members of the public and a member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch, and Cllr Thompson
2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
a. Tender: Two tenders had been received and clarification of some points was being made before proceeding to the next stage.
b. Fly Tipping: Little was available in the files on ownership of the land but it was ascertained that Land Factor managed both relevant estates. Cllr Ltham had been in touch with them and they had agreed to replace the gate across the top of the old Whiteside Bank and also put in security post. It was agreed to put up the notice about fly tipping as well.
c. Clean Up day: this was confirmed as 31st March. A skip would be in place in the Old Playground for a week and gloves and bags would be provided by Tynedale.

4. Crime prevention: There have been several incidents recently which have also been reported in the Hexham Courant. Cllr Dunhill noted that the Home Office provided a booklet about home security etc. and it was agreed to circulate copies to some householders. It was also agreed to get more copies to hand out at the APM. It was agreed to invite someone to talk about Crime Prevention/Neighbourhood Watch at the Annual Parish meeting.

5. Planning:
2006/1518 West House, Hollin Hill Terrace, listed – Refused
2007/0005 33 Station Close – Conditional permission

6. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Knotweed area: Mrs Stephenson had kindly looked into the options for placing large boulders around this area to prevent parking damage. The attempt to put in posts had been vandalised very rapidly. It was agreed to check with the Insurers about the Health & Safety risks of this and also to check how many knotweed treatments were left to be done as there is no point in placing obstructions until that is complete.

7. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Feb – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Feb – £96.43
Carter Bus. Systems – £16.06
Val Thompson – £46.90
Northumbrian Water – £9.76

8. Minor matters:
It was noted the planters were now in place at either end of the village and the Parish Council asked that the WI and Mrs Val Thompson be thanked for their efforts in this matter. There was some interest in the speed signs that Slaley were thinking of installing in their village. It was agreed to ask about them and their costs as a possible extra deterrent in Riding Mill.

It was also noted that there was a notice in the window of the Wellington Inn which suggests they want to vary their licence restrictions to allow much longer hours for members of the public to sit outside the pub. This is causing concern to the public who live in the area and objections are being sought to be forwarded to Tynedale as the Licensing authority. The Parish Council also agreed to write expressing concern as they are now entitled to be consulted on licensing matters.

It was noted the date of the next Parish Council meeting would be 16th April because of Easter and that the APM would be on 25th April at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.30.

Parish Council Minutes February 2007

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th February 2007 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Howey and Heslop. Also present were County Councillor Thompson (part); 9 members of the public and a member of the Press.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch, Cllr Cairns, Cllr Dunhill and Cllr Latham.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Tender: These should be received by the end of February.
b. Website: Cllr Ryder noted that the website was now up and running. She encouraged organisations to be aware and put their information up on the site. This is a continuous process as the webmaster will update on request through the Clerk. Cllr Ryder agreed to put a bit in the parish news about it. The Clerk would ask Dave Porter about the number of hits the site is getting. Cllr Horton will approach the Wellington again about advertising on the site.
c. Hexham courant: Cllr Ryder agreed to write the small article about Riding Mill for the Tynedale Visitor. Helen Compson from the Courant agreed to ask Mr Hoddenot to contact Cllr Ryder about last year’s article.

4. The Nick: Correspondence has been received from the Sandy Bank residents Association about public liability insurance on the Nick. This was gifted to the Parish council on the understanding the maintenance was managed and undertaken by the residents. Although the Parish Council have the standard Public Liability insurance of – £5,000,000 this will not apply where the responsibility lies elsewhere. A number of alternatives were discussed such as the Parish Council paying for the premium or part of the premium as long as the Residents Association keeps up with repairs. It was noted it would only cost a similar amount if the other unadopted roads were insured collectively. This avenue would be approached over the next year. In the meantime it was agreed the parish council would pay – £200 towards the premium for the Nick. This was agreed from an amendment put by Cllr Ryder for a one- year period, during which the other unadopted roads would be considered. In all cases the responsibility for repairs is that of the frontagers.

5. Fly Tipping: It was agreed to put up a sign at the top of Whiteside Bank where there is a significant amount of fly tipping. Tynedale Council will remove the waste when requested but cannot do anything about the fly tipping unless they have photographs or vehicle details to follow up on. Mr Watson in the village had kindly offered to make the sign for free. Suitable wording would be circulated by the clerk to councillors. Another note would also be put in the Parish news.

6. A695: The state of the road between Corbridge and Riding Mill is particularly bad, especially in the Farnley area. It was agreed to write to Corbridge Parish Council to make a joint approach to the County Council to pressurise them for repairs. The contact details for the local County office would also be put in the Parish News so that individuals can also write or email.

7. Footpaths: The footpath officer, Keith Gibbard was in attendance for this item and formal thanks were noted to him for his ongoing hard work. The current problem lies in obtaining a suitable form of map from the county council that we can put onto the website, highlighting the main walks around the village. This would be pursued and it was also agreed that Cllrs Horton and Howey would go over the walks with Mr Gibbard. A pictorial map of the village with information and walks is needed.

8. Planning:
2006/1295 Red Hemmels, stables Refused
2006/1536 The Wellington, sign relocation Consent given

It was felt the refusal for stables at Red Hemmels was unreasonable and the Clerk should write to the District Council.

9. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation

10. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salary/Dec – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Dec – £54.36
Carter Bus. Systems – £17.63
Radiopages – £634.00
M F Anderton/Salary/Jan – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Jan – £31.62
VHT/Rent – £44.00
Ron Robinson roofing – £1,253.46
VHT – £411.16
Repayment to L/ac (1) – £700.00
SLCC conf (one day) – £70.50
Viking – £82.56
CWC / knotweed – £293.75
Sports field grass – £1,086.36
Other grass cutting – £1,044.93

c) S.137: The following donations were agreed by all councillors; NTC – £50; Air Ambulance – £50; Lifespan – £100; Age Concern – £50; CAN – £50; and RM Flower Festival – £100.

11. Minor matters:
Cllr Heslop commented on the state of the village and it was agreed to hold a village tidy –up day. The Clerk would approach Tynedale about a skip and bags etc. and it was decided the event would be held on the morning of 31st March. However, cleaning up could happen for the week up to that day. The WI, and village associations would be approached and the work divided up. Cllr Horton would inform Mrs Niven and Cllr Howey would approach the school. A notice would go up.

The Clerk would write to Tynedale again about sweeping the footpath. Cllr Heslop also reported on attending the meeting organised in Hexham regarding the potential unitary authorities.

At this point the main part of the meeting was closed and in accordance with Standing Orders, the meeting was cleared of Public and Press to discuss confidential matters.

(It was resolved under Section (1) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following item because the publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest).

The meeting closed at 8.50pm


Item 12.

There was discussion concerning some individual covenants. There was also discussion about ways and means of maximising the Council’s time most efficiently.

The meeting finally closed at 9.15pm

Parish Council Minutes December 2006

You can download a copy of these minutes here (PDF file).

Broomhaugh & Riding Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11th December 2006 in the Supper room of the Parish Hall at 7.45pm

Present: Councillors Horton, Ryder, Dunhill, Cairns, Howey and Heslop. Also present were District Councillor Latham (part), County Councillor Thompson (part); and 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies were received from Cllr Nitsch.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.

3. Matters arising:
a. Website: Information was going well for this and it was hoped a ‘quiet’ launch could take place before Christmas. Cllr Heslop agreed to find a copy of Marion Cook’s book about Riding Mill and Cllr Horton suggested using the photographs from the historic pictures of the village. Copyright would need to be observed. Advertising eg from the Wellington would also be followed up as this could cover maintenance costs for the next year.
b. Weir Bridge: Repairs had been completed. A price had been asked for to repair the gabions as well and the whole bridge structure would be reviewed in the Spring.

4. Planning:
06/00175/TPO Adjacent to Hollin Hill Consent granted
2006/1208 Grey Gable, Sandy Bank Conditional permission
2006/1323 Whiteside House Conditional permission
2006/0949 Tarset House, Millfield Road Conditional permission

5. Correspondence:
a) General, for circulation
b) Hexham Courant: Cllr Ryder agreed to do the piece for the Tynedale Visitor
c) Tynedale Council: Cllr Heslop agreed to attend the special meeting on 9th January about the white paper on local government.
d) VHT: a request had been received to close of part of Millfield Road for the village day next year on 24th June. This was agreed in principle. The VHT would have to arrange their own insurance. Police and Fire Brigade would need to be informed.

6. Finance:
a) The financial statement and receipts were accepted by all councillors
b) The following payments were authorised by all councillors:-

M F Anderton/Salaryl/Nov – £352.42
M F Anderton/Expenses/Nov – £67.18
SLCC subscription – £85.00
T Smith – £236.00
Northumbria water – £6.60
Marchburn Lane RA – £30.00

c) Budget: The budget for 2007/2008 came to – £19655. However, there was some carry over in the current account in the present financial year so the Precept to be asked for from Tynedale is – £17655, an increase of – £100 on last year. This was agreed unanimously.

7. Minor matters:
Cllr Horton mentioned that a meeting was being held with a member of the County Council re resiting of the Post box. The possibility of a pedestrian crossing would be mentioned at the same time. Thanks were noted to Cllrs Dunhill and Ryder for their help with responding to the county’s NSP document. Because of the New Year public holidays and councillors’ holidays there would be no meeting in January and the next meeting would be on the 12th February.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm